In a Dialogic Mode
(Deloria & Friends Talk)
The Lady friends:
"Now Deloria
we know you 37 going on 67
& that sweet sweetback of yrs
aint even 40
but it don't make no never mind
all of us know you think you fine.
& we younger than you
but we wasnt born last night, you know.
What you say
if we say we saw Arletta coming
out your house last night
after you left for the AA meet?"
What you say for yourself, girl?"
Deloria's talkback:
"Girl , I got up on this one .
Now lemme tell you...
I know you wasnt born last night
& I know that heifer snuck to my house
said she wanted to fix his hair
& he let her in, he let that so & so in
my house
but girls, lemme tell you,
I ain't no pushover, you know that.
If you act like a rug you get stomped on
for shure.
But to my mind it's like this:
Honey, let me just tell you,
Deloria just plain too old to kill.
You hear me! Just too old to kill..."